Thursday, August 22, 2019

Reaction paper Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Reaction paper - Assignment Example ot just a racist but also a narrow-minded and petty individual, cannot accept the fact that her American family is just as successful as Boyd’s African American family. Leo Tolstoy’s The Three Hermits, on the other hand, is a story that strongly criticizes the power of religious institutions. It narrates the encounter of the Archbishop with the three strangely looking old men, or three hermits, living on a remote island. The Archbishop, who first heard the story of the three hermits from the helmsman, insists on sailing towards the location of the hermits to meet them. Finally, when they all meet the Archbishop endeavors to teach the three hermits a prayer, which the Archbishop believes to be a more powerful prayer than the simple prayer of the hermits. However, it appears that the three hermits are in fact more powerful than the Archbishop, or anybody else who recites the prayers taught by religious institutions, when the hermits are seen doing a miraculous deed—â€Å"running upon the sea as upon dry land.† The story of The Three Hermits implies that the direct relationship of people with God is even more powerful and superior than any religious dogma, and that people should not permit anyone including those institutions with authority to mitigate their moral

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