Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Literacy Narrative free essay sample

Learning to read and write may seem to be easy now, however, everybody struggled at least once at some point in their life. My mom would get me books to read, but would never tell me bedtime stories, thus at night I would grab one of the books and slowly comprehend each word as I looked at the pictures. I would then try to draw the picture in the book and try to write the same words that were in the book. It looked all gibberish, nevertheless, it was worth the try. My mom would smile and say hat I did a good Job even when I knew I didnt, however, what surprised her the most was when I would actually read the books to her. I would then point at the picture and match the words with the picture. For example, if there was a monster in the book I would say monster and then point at in the picture. We will write a custom essay sample on Literacy Narrative or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Not only did she know that I could read some words, she knew I understood what those words meant. Now all I want to do is read on my own since when I was little I didnt get read to. I do not like to participate in group readings as it makes me feel less concentrated. Moreover, I also ended up falling asleep in class because I am not engaged in the reading as much if all Im doing is looking at words and listening to someone speak. When I read books, I like to become the character. I will make voices and sound effects if it talks about a door creaking or a loud bang. This makes each voice and sound effect come alive in my mind and pulls me into the book even more. I remember one day I started to get bored of books without pictures because those were the only books I read when I was little. Thats when I got introduced to mango. Mango are these books dad in Japan that you read backwards from the back of the book to the front. They have more pictures than words and it was like reading a TV show. Those books helped me learn some Japanese but it also created images in my head whenever I read a book without pictures. Thats when I started to appreciate books more. I have been reading mango books for years now and compared with reading other books, no other books grasp me like mango does. The texts are easy to read and the pictures bring the words to life. One day, my friend and I was assigned a writing assignment gather in 9th grade, and the teacher said it could be about anything. For this reason, we decided to make a mango together. I was the author and he was the illustrator. One big mistake we made was not telling each other what we wanted the mango to be about. That being the case, I was writing a drama story while he was drawing action pictures. We both did a lot of hard work, but even so, the story and pictures didnt match so we were abruptly upset. When it was time to turn our assignment in, we had to beg the teacher for more time and she gave us one more ay. We stayed up all night working on it and we finished. We got a 100! Anyway, the point of that story was literacy affects the way people think when they think about a story. Someone who reads action stories are going to most likely think about an action story they read when you ask them about books. Vice versa, someone who reads drama books will think about drama stories when you ask them about books. Childrens books, comic books, and mango have helped me learned to read better and to comprehend complicated stories Witt no pictures. When I read, I pretend TN the story is a comic book or mango in my head. If I ever had the time I would make a story I read into a comic book so its easier to read and that also helps me pass my tests easier by putting the images in my head that I have made when asked about the story. For people who say that comic books and mango arent books, you are wrong. They are wonderful books with amazing stories that have made me love reading more than any other type of books. Admittedly, they are the main reason why I still read today. Literacy narrative free essay sample Rough Journey My name is Junie B. Jones. The B stands for Beatrice. Except I dont like Beatrice I Just like B and thats all this was the first sentence read in Barbara Parks First Grader at Last Childrens Novel (pgl). My desire to read about this a non- fictional character increased with every book I opened about her crazy adventures. Junie played a huge part in my childhood imagination and memories with excitement from her books. My mom actively was a literacy sponsor; she provided me with my first book that contained chapters instead of the standard enlarged text, filled with asic words, and many colorful pictures to help comprehend. Literacy Sponsors play important roles they nurture the first memory of peoples reading and writing skills and shape the writer people are and still are becoming, what shock I would learn that my mother would be that person too. We will write a custom essay sample on Literacy narrative or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In Superman and Me Alexie expresses My father loved books, and since I loved my father with an aching devotion, I decided to love books as well (pg363) this quote comes across my perception towards my mother who I would observe she had a burning passion to read and whenever given he opportunity she grabbed it. She would take us to the library and we check out books, she even helps me get a library card as motivation. The excitement of checking out any book I desired with no limit was a perk to owning a library card. The car drive home with the street light we passed I would read what I could fit in till we got home. Two days maximum it would take me to read the whole book and Id be back to bugging my mom to take me back. Soon as an incentive to always be good, she told me she would buy Junie B. Jones books and the books came raining in. Fortunately or my mother introduced me to novel books and constantly led me into choosing to read. Without her taking me to the library and giving me the resources to practice my reading, I would have not exceeded the expectation in the standardized test and reading scores we took. Id like to think because I read constantly when I was younger it set me up for success in English class, my grades were always As with exception of one Bs out of my English career. In Sponsors of literacy Brandt states sponsors seem a fitting term for the fgure who turned up most typically in peoples memories f literacy learning(335) reflects back to my mother and the shadow she has cast in my literacy, she has been my best friend and at times my worst enemy. She has provided me with the fundamentals in reading. Family is the first people youVe known your whole life and they act as a sponsor with providing you that ride to the library, that library card or first novel. Over the years I missed the simplicity and clarity of the novels I had read growing up. Every year that passed the readings increased and became more challenging than before. The hardest time of my ophomore year was P-AP English, the work was tough and the way she graded didnt help. She Just introduced us to Romeo and Juliet the Famous Love story between two stars crossed lovers. I am a hopeless romantic but when we had to read on our own I found it difficult to understand what they said between them, but after butchering it up it was clear. A lot of poems were required mostly 3 times a week and ranged on my poems, (which wasnt so easy). Compare to basic writing assignments I did a B average. From then on I enjoyed writing poems for pleasure and would carry a ournal filled with random thoughts and poems. Shortly after I moved schools and I came across my Junior teacher Mr. Favorrato, who Judged me because I moved from a pretty wealthy district to the poorest in San Antonio. Its when I truly found the battle to be a better writer, I found all the work he required hard and time consuming and refused to do it because I was afraid to fail. Gradually I couldnt stand failing so I kept up with his demands and it was a struggled to find my way into short answers, thesis, and evidenced text. It made me relate to Anne Lamott when she expressed we all ften feel like we are pulling teeth(301) I never could make it perfect like two of the other girls hed compared us about. He would even put you on the spot and make you feel less superior to him. Which I as a person now suffer from people looking at my work for fear that it will never be good enough. I even have a panic attack if anybody reads or looks over my work in front of me for the fact that it wont meet the expectations. Besides destroying my utterly little confidence I had, word had soon spread that I was pregnant and it was the end of Junior year and I passed with a B. He discouraged me from being in AP class especially English. I was incapable of taking care of my baby and do my AP homework, but told me not to give up in school. Instead of being broken down I used the rage and enrolled into 3 AP classes and even took Pre-Cal in the summer so I could be place in the Calculus class. Senior year rolled around and my English teacher did nothing but encourage me in my writing, I had consistent As in English and average Bs in my other AP classes. I finished my classes and did more than fine; I used my teachers discouragement and found omething eternal to help my writing. From the years, my writing has improved a lot and in a way I had Mr. Faworato to thank for the motivation for discouraging me. I got a little scholarship from one of my writings. I used writing my writing in history class and it really help apply for the free response questions we did. Since my younger years , from receiving my first book, to loving to write poems and growing strength in writing but not Just in English also in history. I have been blessed with sponsors who either supported me 100% or gave little hope towards my successes. Both gave me initiative to get better and have helped shape my writing and reading today. Reflecting on literacy experiences is important because every writer has to know where they start and use the strongest and weakest times in there literacy history to improve as a writer. Its how you use their actions towards your literacy history that will open many possibilities. Brandt, Deborah. Sponsors of literacy. College composition and communication 49. 2 (1998):165-85. Rpt in writing about writing. Ed. Elizabeth Wardle and Doug downs. Boston: Bedford/St. Martins, 2011. 331-52. Print Alexie, Sherman. The Joy of Reading and Writing: Superman and Me The most Wonderful Books: Writers on the discovering the pleasure of reading. Minneapolis: Milkweed editions,1997. 3-6. Rpt in writing about writing. Ed. Elizabeth Wardle and Doug Downs. Boston:Bedford/ St. Mastins,2011. 331-52. Print Lamott, Anne. Shitty First Drafts Bird by Bird: Some instructions on Writing and life. New York: Anchor, 1994. 21-27. rpt. writing about writing. Ed. Elizabeth Wardle and Doug Downs. Boston: Bedford/St. Martins, 2011. 331-52. print Park , Barbara. First Grader at Last . Rpt. Random house childrens book. 2002

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