Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Factors Influencing Organizational Behavior And The...

Factor Influencing Organizational Behavior Student Name Course Name Course Code Introduction The study of human behavior in organizational settings, the interface between human behavior and the organization and the organization itself is known as Organizational Behavior. The study of organizational behavior can be divided into three levels: †¢ Micro Level – Individuals in an organization †¢ Meso Level – Work Groups †¢ Macro Level – How organizations behave It was observed by Chester Bernard that each individual behaves differently when acting in organizational role. Along with this there are many factors and attributes that influence the Organization Behavior. In this paper further, we will discuss few of these factors and attributes in detail. Leadership Theory and Organizational Behavior Leadership is one of the most important aspects in the organizational behavior. Barry Armandi (2003), explained in his journal with the case analysis that there is need of developing a foundation for completing the gap between leadership theory and practice. It has also been demonstrated that to enhance the leadership decisions and in order to bring competent leadership behavior and environment, application of leadership theory into practice is important. With some training to the Managers, they will be able to develop the guidelines and set of questions which will help them in analyzing the role of leadership in their organization so that they can develop an approach whichShow MoreRelatedOrganizational Structure Essay1147 Words   |  5 Pages From: Jessica Rushing Subject: â€Å"Organizational Structure† Introduction: Organizational structure provides the framework of an organization determining how roles and responsibilities are delegated throughout the different levels of the organization. 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