Thursday, December 26, 2019

Proposed Design Sources Of Data - 1586 Words

Proposed Design Sources of Data For the initial phase of this exploratory study regarding completion rates, data sets are available through different internet sources that contain all ex post rates. These data sets are publicly available. The first phase will utilize extant data. To attain traditional college completion rates, the National Center for Education Statistics has data sets available for download that can be customized. Since MOOCs are available internationally, the most appropriate data set for this particular quantitative research would include college completion rates by country as a starting point. Additionally, an overall average can be extracted from this data. This would give us the average completion rate for traditional colleges. The next step would be to gather data for MOOC completion rates. Using internet searches there is information available at Class Central. Class Central has complied completion data for all courses offered by Coursera, EdX, and Udacity, which a re the three main platforms for MOOCs. The enrollment and completion data for each course have been recorded. Completion is defined by finishing all the requirements necessary for a certificate. Other data, such as course length, institution ranking, and active users, are also recorded on these data sets. This data set includes courses over the span of eighteen months. This information will assist in answering the primary research question: how do MOOC completion rates varyShow MoreRelatedA New Routing Mechanism For Manet Communication Essay1348 Words   |  6 Pagesknown as Hybrid Defending against Collaborative Black hole Attacks Gray Hole Attacks. Proposed Scheme is known as CBDS (Co-Operative Bait Detection Scheme) which is based on DSR Based Routing Protocol for Mitigating against Variants of Collaborative Attacks. 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